Although Open Access resources are free to access and use, they should NOT be considered Open Educational Resources (OER) because they are usually not licensed to allow remixing and redistributing. But that doesn't mean they can't be useful for your courses. You may not be able to directly edit and remix them, but you can contextualize them. Since they are free, they still help us evade the challenge of rising textbook costs, even if they lack the full flexibility of OER.
Many Open Access materials can be found via the library catalog or Google, but you may also want to explore the following repositories:
Most of the resources provided through Preus Library's catalogs and databases are not free... But because the Library has already paid for them, they are functionally free to you and to your students. You won't be able to directly edit and remix them, but you can contextualize them.
Browse the Library catalog and our list of databases, and talk to your liaison librarian about possible options.
Librarians can help identify OER that might meet your needs, and also offer virtual or in-person meetings to discuss options with you.
Whether you have specific goals in mind, or have only just started to explore, we're here to help.