Searching the Preus Library Catalog for Job & Career Resources
In the Preus Library Catalog, searching by subject heading is a strategic way to optimize results. Below are some subject heading examples to inspire you:
Specifically for jobs higher education including faculty/teaching positions as well as administrative and executive positions. Allows you to post your resume for employers to view.
An Obama Administration initiative to get young grads and students into government service. Create an account and build a profile to assist in the process of applying for seasonal or permanent jobs with the federal government.
Luther College Career Center
The Luther College Career Center is dedicated to connecting students with resources and information to assist in their career and education after Luther! Their website is an excellent source of additional information. Call or e-mail to make an appointment with a staff member about résumés, cover letters, interviewing, salary negotiation, or graduate school.
Dahl Centennial Union 205
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101