Want to see the entire Leisure Reading collection? Browse the catalog.
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Leisure Reading at Preus Library
The Leisure Reading collection contains current and recent bestsellers, both popular fiction and non-fiction. You can find mystery, suspense, and detective novels in this area, along with fully illustrated graphic novels, adventure novels, science-fiction and fantasy, memoirs, and more. The Leisure Reading collection is located on the Main Floor of the library. Books in this collection are available for 2-week checkouts. Check back often to see what's new!
Suggest a Book
Do you know a book that we should consider for our Leisure Reading collection? Please tell us about it!We take suggestions.
Typically, new Leisure Reading books are recently published, represented on bestseller lists, receive news coverage (e.g. author interviews, movie adaptations), and/or receive positive reviews.
Interlibrary Loan and Technical Services Librarian