This online source provides access to subject and language reference works from Oxford University Press. In addition to text, access is provided to maps and illustrations, timelines, web sites, and bibliographies.
This four-volume encyclopedia has a broad reach, encompassing the various fields and endeavors in which ethical issues arise as well as the field of practical ethics itself and a variety of historical, contemporary, religious, and secular approaches.
Covering all of the major theories, approaches, and contemporary issues in social problems and their interconnectedness, this Encyclopedia also provides insight into how social conditions get defined as social problems, and the ways different people and organizations view and try to solve them.
Combining anthropological theory and ethnography, this title includes substantial entries, short biographies of important figures in anthropology, and glossary items
Articles covering core issues such as race, poverty, violence, economics, pregnancy and abortion have been updated and expanded, and completely new articles have been written on topics such as the Internet, privacy and epidemiology.
Full-text access to over 950 US news publications, including The Des Moines Register, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & Washington Post. 1980-present.
The Economist Historical Archive ('EHA') is the fully searchable complete facsimile edition of The Economist, the weekly paper which is essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, current affairs and all aspects of business and trade worldwide. Containing every issue since its launch in 1843 and more than 600,000 pages, EHA offers full-color images, multiple search indexes, topic and area supplements and surveys. Altogether this is an unrivaled multidisciplinary primary source for researching and teaching the 19th and 20th centuries.
Includes a 90-day archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services, including the Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sacramento Bee and more. Updated daily.
See a list of many other News Sources available from Preus Library.