Searching the library catalog (WorldCat Discovery) can be confusing. Here are some tips for searching more effectively.
Looking for an exact title or phrase? Put quotation marks around it when entering it into the search bar. This will limit your scope.
Try using search filters (in Advance Search).WorldCat will let you filter your search result list. You may be able to filter by format, author, subject, or publication date.
Subject headings are terms assigned by librarians to resources to tell you what a resource is about. You often can click on a subject heading in a catalog entry and be shown a list of all resources that have the same heading. If you find a resource that is particularly useful, click on its subject heading for similar materials.
Having trouble finding things in WorldCat? Change your SORT setting from "Library" to "Best Match." You can request materials we don't own via Interlibrary Loan.
Covers qualitative research methods and data collection, thematic analysis approaches, efficacy research, monitoring strategies, measurement systems, determining impact of interventions, and more.
A 2nd edition covering progress on stated "grand challenges" in the field. It includes measurable outcomes, policy recommendations, and research needs.
Uses examples for students to engage in practice-based research. The intervention as the independent variable. How to identify the research question; design a study; review literature; gather, analyze, and interpret data.
Offers a guide to choosing the right method of qualitative research and discusses each type of study. Includes also observational analysis and interview methodology.
A wide variety of arts-based methods for use in building community, working with the aging, with children after disasters, with marginalized populations, and more.