Rich source of information concerning the population of the United States. Includes information from decennial census, American Community Survey (every 3 yrs), Economic Census (every 5 years), and more.
Kids Count Data Center is from the Anna E. Casey Foundation. The data provide access to measures of child well being – educational, social, physical, and economical.
Since 1990, this decadal census has been conducted by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Coverage now includes many non-Christian groups as well as special counts for religious traditions that do not have central data collection points, such as non-denominational churches or Muslim and Jewish communities.
The ARDA is based in the Department of Sociology at The Pennsylvania State University. Our goal is to preserve and provide access to high-quality data on religion in the United States and abroad. We are funded by the Lilly Endowment and the John Templeton Foundation.
Population Reference Bureau informs people about populations, health, and environment of various nations around the world. It includes a world clock to keep track of the world's up-to-date population.