Preus Library classifies its print collection using the Library of Congress classification system. The areas listed below are good places to browse and discover items that pertain to Psychology. There may be items of interest in the collection that are found outside of these call number ranges. Check the catalog to find call numbers for specific items.
Subclass BF
BF1-990 Psychology
BF38-64 Philosophy. Relation to other topics
BF173-175.5 Psychoanalysis
BF176-176.5 Psychological tests and testing
BF180-198.7 Experimental psychology
BF203 Gestalt psychology
BF207-209 Psychotropic drugs and other substances
BF231-299 Sensation. Aesthesiology
BF309-499 Consciousness. Cognition
BF501-505 Motivation
BF511-593 Affection. Feeling. Emotion
BF608-635 Will. Volition. Choice. Control
BF636-637 Applied psychology
BF638-648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc.
BF660-685 Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology
BF692-692.5 Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior
BF697-697.5 Differential psychology. Individuality. Self
BF698-698.9 Personality
BF699-711 Genetic psychology
BF712-724.85 Developmental psychology
BF725-727 Class psychology
BF795-839 Temperament. Character
BF839.8-885 Physiognomy. Phrenology