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PAID 112 Section 04 - Hageman (Spring 2024)

Film & The Social Imaginary

In This Guide

in this guide graphicIn this Guide, you'll find:

  • Resources and strategies for your section's research unit:
    • Recommended databases for finding scholarly articles
    • Library catalog for finding books
    • General tips for doing library research
    • Selected resources about the film industry
  • Contact information for your librarian
  • Links to our in-class activities and slides


Preus Library has so much more than what's in this Guide! When you have questions about the library or about finding a resource, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Return to the Paideia 112 Research Unit Guide

Research Databases

Great resources for seeking out film commentary and analysis. 

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Search Tips

As you start exploring the library and its resources, here are some tips to help you gather more sources:

  • Use filters in the catalog and in databases. Typically along the left side of your search results screen, you'll be able to filter your search results by topic, by type of source, by date, and more.
  • Heading to the stacks? Browse the shelves near the book you're headed for--you'll probably find more books on the same topic.
  • Use subject terms--these are standardized phrases that librarians assign to sources that are all on the same topic. You can generally find them in the description of a resource. If you click on one, you'll see more articles or books about the same thing.
  • What documents or research are your sources citing? See if you can track those down too.

Your Librarian

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Andi Beckendorf
she / her
Research & Instruction Librarian
Please email for appointment options. If you need immediate help, check library chat for availability.

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Content © Luther College Preus Library, 700 College Drive, Decorah, IA 52101 (563) 387-1166 Creative Commons License
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