Choose a simple yet dynamic color scheme before you begin to add content.
Word Count
The poster's main goal is to promote discussion between you and the viewer. Try to limit the amount of wording on your poster. Keep your word count around 1,000 words for the entire poster.
Font Size and Type
The title should use at least 70 pt—font size. It should be readable by the viewer from at least 6 feet away.
All poster text should be at least 24 pt—font size.
Use easy-to-read, sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Verdana.
Limit the number of fonts on your poster (one font for the title and headings and another for the text).
Create a logical flow of information. Columns are easy to follow, so arrange your content in three or four columns.
Include at least a 1-inch margin on your poster. This ensures that no content is lost in the printing process and that no content is covered when you hang it up.
Don't forget to utilize white space. This will help keep your content well organized and easy to read.
Incorporating Images & Graphics
Create visual balance by distributing elements evenly across the poster and avoiding overcrowding any particular section. Use white space strategically to help guide the viewer's eye and prevent the poster from feeling cluttered.
Your images and graphs should highlight your research and not just be place fillers.
Always include captions for any charts or graphs you use to explain your research findings.
Always give credit to any images or graphics you use in your poster (except if you are using free images).
Use the "Insert" command (rather than paste) when adding images to your poster.
Evaluating your poster
Use the following rubric and checklist to critique and evaluate your poster.
Print your slide on an 8 1/2" X 11" sheet of paper to ensure everything is proportional. For a larger option, use 11" x 17" sheet of paper, which is available at the Library copier/scanner.
Have someone read your poster to double-check all spelling and grammar. Once your poster is printed in large size, mistakes will be very noticeable.