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Paideia 112 Research Unit

A step-by-step guide to the Research Paper Unit in Paideia 112.

Celebrating Research: The All-College "Learning @ Luther Showcase"

Luther College celebrates the work of students engaged in research with an annual research symposium every spring.  The college devotes an entire day to honor the work of students (from all four years) who have participated in research projects.

On Friday, May 9, all regular class meetings throughout the college are suspended so that students can attend panels and poster presentations based on original research.

One student from each of the Paideia sections will be chosen by the section’s instructor to present a summary of their research work. Presenters will be grouped in panels of three or four students, and as a Paideia student you will be asked to attend at least one panel during the day instead of your regular class hour. In addition, you will have the chance to listen and learn from other students (from first-year to senior) describing their research findings. It will be a chance for you to see firsthand how the skills and research practice you begin in Paideia carry on throughout your four years at Luther.

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